My Twentysomething Life

I Do, Make, Read, Watch, Eat…

Another day of work missed

Do you know what I hate the most about migraines? 
Missing work.

I have a very hard time functioning at all when I have a migraine.  About all I can do is sleep or lay in the dark.  There’s just about no doing anything else.

This morning I woke up with a migraine and it felt pretty small, but even with small migraines they just make you feel powerless and weak.  I imagine that when Superman was around kryptonite he probably got a migraine, which made it seem like all his powers went away. 

I have been seeing progress since going to the chiropractor and I hope that continues because I:
1-really want to stop having migraines
2-really want and need to be at work

Hopefully I will continue to get better and will start to seek weeks and months in between migraines.  In my mind, that would be pretty amazing.

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Why I Haven’t Been Blogging

I realized this morning that I haven’t been blogging very much.  And that made me pretty sad.  I haven’t been blogging because I have been sick and busy.  I went to the doctor yesterday because I hadn’t been feeling well all weekend and it turns out that I have a severe bladder infection.  Great…just what I needed.

I have been trying to catch up on Pretty Little Liars so I can watch it on TV when it starts again in January.
I am trying to reach my goal of 200 books read this year.  I only have around 20 to go.
I am trying to make a dent in my new movie list.  I also requested a bunch of movies from the library and they all came in at once, so now I’m playing catch up.
I am trying to write a 50,000 word novel this month as a part of National Novel Writing Month.  But I am so behind!

Is anyone else trying to meet some of their goals in the next two months?

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I have been having a great week!
I got my house clean, I got to spend a couple days with my family.  It was too short but so good to see them!
I took a day off, I finished Season 2 of Pretty Little Liars and I’ve watched a couple movies.
I watched a very funny movie tonight which put me in a very good mood!
I got to spend an evening watching tv and eating pizza with my husband.
And I am so excited for the weekend where I will have down time, more movie time, book time, and friend time.
AND I haven’t had a migraine since Monday night!!  4 Days with no Migraine!  Woot Woot!!

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Tricks or Treats

Well, I cannot believe that it is the last day of October.  These last few months have flown by.  I have been very busy this last week, which is why I haven’t been able to write a new blog post.  But, better late than never.

I can hardly remember what I did this week.  I know I have already had two migraines, so hopefully that will be all for the week.

Tonight Adam and I are going to be continuing our Halloween Movie Tradition and will be watching Night of the Living Dead.  I am looking forward to it, there will be a review of the movie posted in the next couple days.  We will also be going to walmart to get some items to finish off our Halloween costumes, which we won’t be wearing today, but to a party on Saturday.  No, I can’t tell you what we are going as, it’s a surprise.  I’ll make sure to get a picture for you.  And another exciting thing we are doing tonight, someone wants to look at our car, so pray that he wants to buy it, because that would be amazing!

Tomorrow kicks off my first day of the National Novel Writers Month.  I am super excited about this, and I hope that I finish my novel!

Tomorrow also means that I have only 2 more months to meet my goal of 200 books read this year.  Only 30 more to go!  Think I can do it??

I hope you all have a fun Halloween.  And a good rest of the week.  It’s almost the weekend.  And just to put it in perspective, it’s also:

5 days until my family gets here for my sister’s Junior recital, I’m so excited to see them!
22 days until Catching Fire comes out in theaters
28 days until Thanksgiving
55 days until Christmas!

Can you believe it?!

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Migraine Update

I think there may be some light at the end of the tunnel.

I have been dealing with frequent migraines for almost 2 months now, and I am definitely tired of it.  I have been looking for answers everywhere.  My most recent try was the chiropractor, and I finally received some good news.

The chiropractor says that there are things wrong with my back, that can be fixed, that could be contributing to migraines.  Of course he can’t guarantee that it’s the only thing making me have migraines, but it’s at least something.  I am very hopeful that I will start getting some relief soon!

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By the Numbers

I know that I haven’t written a post in a while, but it is not because I’m lazy.  It’s because I am busy and plagued with migraines.  Here’s my life update, in some numbers.

3 the number of crafts I have done that I can’t wait to show you–planning to take pictures and post tomorrow, or late tonight.
4 the number of books sitting at home waiting to be read
6 the number of movies sitting at home waiting to be watched
1/2 I am halfway through Downton Abbey Season 3
22 the number of items on my grocery list for today
2 the number of migraines I had this weekend
4:30 the time of my chiropractor appointment today (hoping to get some answers)
10 the number of oreos I want to eat right now!

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Wild Weekend

I was looking forward to a peaceful evening of work at the Thompson Center, and that’s what I got.  There was an event happening, so I did some helping with that, but otherwise it was a nice, quiet evening.  I balanced the checkbook and watched some Downton Abbey and some Pretty Little Liars.  I convinced my parents to watch the Harry Potter movies because I really thought they would enjoy them.  My mother agreed to watch them, only if I would watch Downton Abbey.  I didn’t think I would like it, but after one episode I was hooked.  I only have half an episode left until I’m done with the first season.  After work, I went home, watched the new episode of What Not to Wear (I can’t believe that this Friday is the last episode ever!!) and then Adam, Tommy, Amanda and I went to Applebees to redeem an after midnight coupon and get a late night snack.  Yum!

Saturday morning I slept in, until 8:30, and started watching a movie from my list, Quiz Show.  It is about a quiz show scandal.  Contestants were getting the answers to the questions ahead of time so the station could keep the ratings up.  This movie was directed by Robert Redford, whom I love, and has some very talented actors in it.  Then, I got ready and went to lunch with some ladies from my church.  It was a fun time 🙂  After lunch, I came home and finished my movie.  Then Adam and I went to the library and each came home with stacks of books.  His for a paper, and mine for fun.  (I decided to increase my goal to 200, so now I’ve got to get a move on).  Amanda came over for pizza, because we fed her over fall break, and then Adam went to a bible study while I watched Downton Abbey.  When Adam got home we watched Shutter Island, and it was amazing!  We definitely did not see the end coming.  It was great.  And then we went to bed.

In the morning, we went to church, got lunch at Cookout, and then went home and took a nap.  Then Amanda and I went and got some pumpkins to carve.  It’s kind of a tradition for us now.  We had a lot of fun!  Then we went to night church, and hung out the rest of the evening and watched Halloween Wars, our favorite October show!

Amanda found dirt on her pumpkin

Amanda found dirt on her pumpkin

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What my pumpkin was supposed to look like.

What my pumpkin was supposed to look like.

Amanda's pumpkin to promote her recital

Amanda’s pumpkin to promote her recital

How my pumpkin turned out:  I had big chunks come off so it turned out pretty bad.

How my pumpkin turned out: I had big chunks come off so it turned out pretty bad.

As you can see, it was a pretty great weekend!

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I’m not out of ideas

Even though I did not blog all weekend, I am not out of ideas.  I’m just out of memory.  I keep forgetting to do things to write the blog posts that I have thought of.

Blog posts coming as soon as I remember to do what I need to do to write them.

New clothes–I have been meaning to write this one for a while now.  I just haven’t taken the pictures of my new clothes yet!  And now they’re all dirty, so this will have to wait at least one more day, but probably two since Adam will need to be free to take the pictures for me, but hopefully soon you will get to see a blog post of my new work clothes.  They are pretty cute 🙂

Crafts–I have done a few crafts recently, and I am excited to show them to you!  But I, again, just haven’t taken the pictures yet, but my goal is to do this tonight, so hopefully you will have some new crafty photos coming to you soon!

Lessons from the Book of Job–I recently finished reading Job for my bible reading and I had some interesting thoughts come up throughout that I wanted to share with you.  I just need to get out my journal so I can remember what they were!  But hopefully this one will be ready sometime this week.

I hope you all keep reading until then!

Later tonight–a post about my weekend and some movies I have been watching.

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Life Update

ER+s1Here are some quick life updates.  Just to keep you all informed:

–I have an awesome new wardrobe of professional items, I’m just waiting for my photographer to stop studying for tests and playing with new computers before I can share it with you.  I am not a pro at taking mirror photos.

–The first season of ER just came through interlibrary loan and I am so excited to start it!

–I went to the library today and got a big stack of books to read

–I have 9 movies waiting at home to be watched:  Harry Potter 7.2, Shutter Island, Taxi Driver, Memento, Fargo, Dead Poet’s Society, Bridget Jones’ Diary, and Quiz Show.  I’m pretty pumped.  Anyone seen these and want to recommend one for me to start with?

–I am In Season 2 of Pretty Little Liars and it’s amazing!PLL

–I just filled up another journal.  I love new journals.

–There’s a new Grey’s Anatomy on tonight and I get to hang out with my sister!

–I never have to grocery shop.  I wonder what’s for dinner tonight…

–Adam and I got a new computer and it’s so fun!

–You know that I have been wanting to write a book, well I just found out about an event in November called National Write and Novel Month.  The challenge is to write 50,000 words in November, which equals a 175 page novel and I am going to try and do it!  I’m pretty excited, but I have no idea what to write about.  Any suggestions?

–Iallegiant ordered some boots from and they should be here this weekend!

–I preordered Allegiant, book 3 in the Divergent series, and it will be here this month!

–I have an awesome October/Halloween wreath to make this weekend!

–There will be a craft blog post soon, I just haven’t had time to do it!

That’s it for my quick life update, I hope you enjoyed it!

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What a Weekend

Wow, it feels like it has been longer than only 2 days since my last blog post!  So much has happened since Friday.

Friday night at work there wasn’t too much going on, so I started watching a new show on Netflix.  Lately I had been watching tons of Grey’s Anatomy, but I am all caught up and ready for the new season this Thursday!!  So I have been looking for a new show to watch, so I picked Pretty Little Liars.  I only watched two episodes on Friday, but that was enough to get me hooked!  Question: How do those pretty little liars get their hair to look so perfect?!

After work, I watched What Not To Wear and waited for Adam to come home from playing with some of his friends.  When he got home, we took a late night trip to Walmart, which we have not done in forever.  We browsed and got some grocery shopping done and got home around one AM.  But it was fun to spend that time together.

Saturday morning we both just woke up around 9.  We took it easy in the morning, reading and watching cartoons, and then we went out to run some errands.  Adam’s mission: Yugioh cards.  My mission:  some new work clothes.

Adam was successful at the first store we went to: Target.  Then we went to Books a Million where I bought the new Nicholas Sparks book (!) and got a great deal on it with my member coupons!  Then we went to the mall and did some shopping (there will be a shopping/clothing/work clothes rant coming soon).  We finished our excursion with Pals (for me) and a pretzel (for Adam).  Delicious!

When we got home, Adam and Jacob played some Yugioh and I crafted upstairs (pics to come) and watched more Pretty Little Liars.  Then Jacob left, I made dinner, and we went over to Jacob and Lauren’s to play some games with friends.  It was so fun!  We made another stop at Walmart on our way home, for a full length mirror, can you believe that we didn’t have one?!

Sunday morning we woke up, went to church, and had lunch at Taco Bell.  Then we watched some Big Bang Theory, Amanda came over to do laundry, and we called my parents.  After church in the evening Adam and I watched Harry Potter 7.1 and just hung out.  It was a great weekend!

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