My Twentysomething Life

I Do, Make, Read, Watch, Eat…

Thursday-Morning Tell-About (Friday Edition)

I literally just looked at my calendar and realized that it is Friday and I totally missed my Thursday-Morning Tell-About!  Life has been crazy around here.  Please forgive me, and here is another Thursday-Morning Tell-About, Friday Edition.  Enjoy!

My Movie Queue: Cold Mountain, The Guardian
Pages left to read in my current book:   Lots in Les Mis and 111 in Silver Linings Playbook
I have made: nothing, but have lots of ideas
I have worked on: Doing Adam’s FAFSA, paying bills, and getting caught up at work.  This weekend will be all about getting caught up at home.
Food made: Dominos Pizza
Goals checked off: none this week.
Games played: Sudoku
Favorite Pinterest pin:lazy

Total Blog views since last Thursday: 185
Number of snow days: 0
Movies Watched: 3: Red Dawn, Around the World in 80 Days, There Will Be Blood
Books read: The Perfect Husband, Red Letter Revolution
This week I love: paying off all my medical bills
This week I hate: a messy house

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Life Update and Funny Friday

I thought I would take some time to update you on my life this morning.  I feel like I haven’t written very much this week.

1-Have have found a new website that I looovvveee!!  It is called goodreads.  It is a website where you can put in all the books you have read, rate and write reviews on them, list the books you are currently reading, and the books you want to read.  I love it.  It is pretty addicting.  And my “to-read” list is growing faster than I can keep up with it.  I added the goodreads widget to the right, so check it out.

2-In case you did not already know, I got the scholarship to attend the Religious Communicators Council annual convention free of charge April 4-6.  I am so excited!  It is going to be a great time of networking and learning.

3-I went to the doctor yesterday about my shoulder.  It turns out they did find tearing in my MRI.  It is not in the labrum, which I do not know if that is good news or bad news, but it is in my bicep tendon.  And the only way to fix this is to have surgery.  There are temporary things they can do to relieve the pain, but nothing will fix it but surgery.  After surgery I will need to be in a sling for 6 weeks and then do 6-8 weeks of physical therapy.  We don’t know when the surgery will be yet, but we need to save some money before it can happen.  Also, since I need to be able to drive to Indianapolis for the convention in April and cannot do that for 6 weeks after surgery, the surgery will probably have to be after the convention in April, so my guess is that it will be sometime in April.  Which is good because hopefully we can have a good chunk saved by then.

4.  I have been dreaming of babies all week!  It has been so crazy!  I have been finding a lot of cute baby stuff on Pinterest for whenever Adam and I decide to embark on that adventure, so maybe it has gone to my head…

5.  I have been working the Emmanuel Phoneathon for a few nights this week and will be doing it a couple nights next week.  It has been lots of hours of calling, many hang-ups, but still good conversations and donations.  It has been a good experience so far.

6.  This is going to be the best weekend ever!  I get to have a birthday celebration with my husband and the Oscars are on Sunday!  Yay!  And then either Thursday or Friday of next week my parents are coming down for my sister’s opera and to celebrate my birthday.  I am excited to spend some time with them, and they are bringing us some furniture that I’m really pumped about!  It’s also potluck Sunday at church, which is a lot of fun fellowship, but also a little stressful for me, so let’s hope that goes well.

7. Random fact:  I have been seriously craving pizza all week and I’m hoping that this weekend, with some birthday money, I will be able to enjoy some warm, cheesy, yummy pizza.  Hmm…I wish I was close enough that Joe Bologna’s would deliver to me!

And now, Funny Friday:
2534Hope that made your friday even better!! I know it did for me 🙂

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