My Twentysomething Life

I Do, Make, Read, Watch, Eat…

Halloween Party

Can you guess who we went as?



And my solution for not having long enough hair:

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As Promised

I promised you a clothing rant, so here it goes.

Dressing up for work and other things seriously stresses me out.  My favorite outfit is my blue and green converse, jeans, and a white t-shirt.  If I could wear that every day, I definitely would!  Can someone find me a job where that would fit the dress code please?

I have something to admit, and if you are a friend of mine you probably already realize this, but I’m don’t usually put forth a lot of effort in what I wear.  Putting in effort into what I wear honestly stresses me out!  I don’t know why, it’s hard to put it in words, but it just does.  But this weekend I did some shopping for work clothes, because I have come to grips with the fact that I seriously need some, and I realized something about myself.

I have horrible body image.  I don’t like how I look in just about everything and I am very critical of myself.  This is something that I’m trying to work on, but it’s really hard.  I hardly ever look in the mirror and think, yeah I look good, unless I’m wearing my trusty white tee.

I did find a few things that I really liked when i was shopping and ended up buying them, but now I have to try and put together outfits, which is also really hard work for me.  I have a lot of ideas for what I would like to look like, just look at my Pinterest boards, but I have absolutely no follow through.

My mom is coming to visit this weekend and I’m hoping she can help me do some more shopping because I really need help in this whole “professional” clothing area.  I just don’t know what looks good, what is supposed to go together, and what is appropriate for work.  So if I am unsuccessful this weekend, I could use a shopping buddy!

So wish me luck on shopping this weekend, and hopefully I’ll have some photos of my finds for you.  And also, I would appreciate prayer for my body image issues, I’d like to feel happy with who I am 🙂  I know that God made me and I’m beautiful, but sometimes it’s hard to remember that when I look in the mirror.

So there you have it, a confession and a rant about work clothes, as promised.

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